Monday, June 11, 2007


William Shakespeare (April, 1564 - died April 23, 1616) was an English writer. Many people consider him to be the greatest English writer of all time and one of the greatest in general. He wrote powerful tragedies and humorous comedies. His poetry and plays are about the human condition, with feelings such as love, jealousy, anger, gallantry, and much more. Children learn about him in schools around the world. Shakespeare wrote his works between about 1585 and 1613.

The most important works are:

Romeo and juliet, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, All's Well That Ends Well.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Willian Sheakespeare


PodCast is a Mp3 or Video archive that is distributed over the Internet for to play on your computer or your MediaPlayer. In other words, a podcast is a collection of files (usually audio and video). The most important creator of PodCast is iTunes, but this tecnology was desemboluped by TalkShoe.
An orange square with waves indicates that an RSS feed is present on a web page. This icon was introduced by Mozilla Firefox and by mutual agreement the same icon has also been adopted by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Opera. The feed which the icons represents can contain links to podcast episodes.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I think that the problem of E.E.U.U. is the sale of weapons because all the people can have weapons in her house and also the games of violence because the childrens that play to this games can have problems with the game and with the reality.

That boy killed 32 persons!!! I hope this murder is going to make a lot of people to reflect much people and I hope they will do something to improve the world.

I think the the bowling for culumbine 2 it was by this problem and i think that the solution is: DON'T SALE GUNS.