Monday, June 11, 2007


William Shakespeare (April, 1564 - died April 23, 1616) was an English writer. Many people consider him to be the greatest English writer of all time and one of the greatest in general. He wrote powerful tragedies and humorous comedies. His poetry and plays are about the human condition, with feelings such as love, jealousy, anger, gallantry, and much more. Children learn about him in schools around the world. Shakespeare wrote his works between about 1585 and 1613.

The most important works are:

Romeo and juliet, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, All's Well That Ends Well.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Willian Sheakespeare


PodCast is a Mp3 or Video archive that is distributed over the Internet for to play on your computer or your MediaPlayer. In other words, a podcast is a collection of files (usually audio and video). The most important creator of PodCast is iTunes, but this tecnology was desemboluped by TalkShoe.
An orange square with waves indicates that an RSS feed is present on a web page. This icon was introduced by Mozilla Firefox and by mutual agreement the same icon has also been adopted by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Opera. The feed which the icons represents can contain links to podcast episodes.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I think that the problem of E.E.U.U. is the sale of weapons because all the people can have weapons in her house and also the games of violence because the childrens that play to this games can have problems with the game and with the reality.

That boy killed 32 persons!!! I hope this murder is going to make a lot of people to reflect much people and I hope they will do something to improve the world.

I think the the bowling for culumbine 2 it was by this problem and i think that the solution is: DON'T SALE GUNS.

Monday, March 05, 2007

X-MaS iN SpaiN!

I think that increasingly the spanish chrismas are the same of the American Chrismas.

Every years the Kings Wizzard come to the spanish houses and gave gifts to the childrens and to the adults.

But now come to your house one big with a red wear, and he gave to you the gifts.

The houses with lights of great celebration are redecorated and mainly most typical they are foods and the nutritional product consumption that by their price is reserved for special dates. The special and typical food that we eat at Christmas are: "turrones", "polvorones", "mazapanes", etc.
In Spain the main thing is to reunite al of the family around meals. It looks for diversion. In Spain the consumption has grown much and many gifts are made.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine had existed since the 3rt century.

he was a priest and he join in sacred marriage to persons that they were have a prolems with the family and he make this to backs of theirs parents.

The mortal remains of Saint Valentine stay in a church that names equal that the priest. Every 14th of february it is celebrated an act that means the fidelity of the love link or marriage.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Green House Effect

The greenhouse effect it's the power that have the clouds for reflect the sunlight to the earth and for hot it. This effect it´s very important because whitout this the humans can`t survive.

This effect existed alwais but with the contamination and the emissions of CO2 It's has grown.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We WoN ThE ConQUeST!

We recived a prize of blogs, In the paraninfo of valencia. Last year our teacher Maria, selected us for a blog contest at Valencia's university.
Maria our english teacher and Madda, a studen of our class, go to takes the prize. A representant of the proyect went and do a speech. Wen we recived the prize (a bag). The pleople did a lot of photografs, and finish the speech.

My OPiNuON Avout ThE PRoYeCT

I think this is a great way to learn because it's easier and you learn a lot of things per each blog you made.
It`s one way for the people motivates to learn english and for know more avout Informatic